Jr. Food Stores
In Bay County, every gas station is called a “JR. Store” and here's why…
The first JR. Food Store in Panama City opened in May of 1961 across from Jinks Jr. High. The convenience store format became very popular, gas pumps were added in 1970, and by 1974 the chain had covered the Southeast with over 200 locations.
To this day locals here in Panama City still call every gas station and convenience store a “JR. Store” and for good reason. The sheer number of locations made it impossible to travel through town without seeing that little guy with the bow tie smiling at you. At the JR. you could top off your gas tank, grab some beer and lottery tickets, and fill up a Thirst Buster which was basically a quart of soda.
In the mid 90s the chain was sold and we sadly said goodbye to JR. but the fond memories live on in our hearts. It’s tough to sum up what these stores meant to our little town but if you ask anyone where the closest JR. store is they’ll grin from ear to ear and point you in the right direction.